
Our Vision for the Land at Yarmouth Road, Hemsby

Our vision for Yarmouth Road, Hemsby is to make use of the existing outline planning permission to deliver 93 new homes designed to meet the housing needs of the local community. This includes dwelling types to suit a variety of needs and tenures that will ensure all 93 homes are affordable. Our vision includes capturing and responding to local character so that the proposed development will be a welcome addition to the village in line with the objectives and policies of the Neighbourhood Plan and the guidance of Hemsby and Great Yarmouth Design Codes.

Our Vision for the Land at Yarmouth Road, Hemsby

Our vision for Yarmouth Road, Hemsby is to make use of the existing outline planning permission to deliver 93 new homes designed to meet the housing needs of the local community. This includes dwelling types to suit a variety of needs and tenures that will ensure all 93 homes are affordable. Our vision includes capturing and responding to local character so that the proposed development will be a welcome addition to the village in line with the objectives and policies of the Neighbourhood Plan and the guidance of Hemsby and Great Yarmouth Design Codes.

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The key elements of the scheme include:

  • 93 affordable homes all fully accessible and adaptable for future wheelchair use;

  • a mix of 2 bedroom bungalows and 1, 2, 3, 4 bed houses of shared ownership and social rented tenure;

  • comprehensive landscaping and arboricultural scheme;

  • ecological enhancements in line with our commitment to delivering Homes for Nature and our ‘30by30’ sustainability strategy;

  • sustainable drainage infrastructure utilising on site attenuation basins;

  • offsite highway and pedestrian improvement works to Yarmouth Road; and

  • safeguarding of land for future delivery of GSP7 (strategic cycling and pedestrian route).

Further information about these topics can be found below.

The key elements of the scheme include:

  • 93 affordable homes all fully accessible and adaptable for future wheelchair use;

  • a mix of 2 bedroom bungalows and 1, 2, 3, 4 bed houses of shared ownership and social rented tenure;

  • comprehensive landscaping and arboricultural scheme;

  • ecological enhancements in line with our commitment to delivering Homes for Nature and our ‘30by30’ sustainability strategy;

  • sustainable drainage infrastructure utilising on site attenuation basins;

  • offsite highway and pedestrian improvement works to Yarmouth Road; and

  • safeguarding of land for future delivery of GSP7 (strategic cycling and pedestrian route).

Further information about these topics can be found below.

Housing Mix and Tenure

Delivering housing to meet local needs is key to our vision, whilst creating thriving communities. Our Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) ‘safer by design’ approved homes are tenure blind, so whatever the tenure, a customer receives the same commitment to design, specification, safety, and outstanding customer service.  

The proposed homes comprise the following tenures:

  • 56 no. social rent

  • 37 no. shared ownership

The table below provides details of the housing mix.

Housing Mix and Tenure

Delivering housing to meet local needs is key to our vision, whilst creating thriving communities. Our Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) ‘safer by design’ approved homes are tenure blind, so whatever the tenure, a customer receives the same commitment to design, specification, safety, and outstanding customer service.  

The proposed homes comprise the following tenures:

  • 56 no. social rent

  • 37 no. shared ownership

The table below provides details of the housing mix.


Area sq.m


Social rent (56 homes)

1 Bed house



2 Bed bungalow



2 Bed house



3 Bed house



4 Bed house



Shared ownership (37 homes)

2 Bed bungalow



2 Bed house



3 Bed house



Social Rents are set using the government’s national rent regime. Those on the Great Yarmouth housing register who need such accommodation are eligible for social rent properties.  

Shared ownership involves buying a share of a dwelling’s full market value and paying rent (that is capped to an affordable level) for the share that they own.

Shared ownership is available to people with a local connection who have a lower level of household income, providing an opportunity to get on the property ladder with a lower deposit value.

Social Rents are set using the government’s national rent regime. Those on the Great Yarmouth housing register who need such accommodation are eligible for social rent properties.  

Shared ownership involves buying a share of a dwelling’s full market value and paying rent (that is capped to an affordable level) for the share that they own.

Shared ownership is available to people with a local connection who have a lower level of household income, providing an opportunity to get on the property ladder with a lower deposit value.

Appearance of Homes

Appearance of Homes

For our customers, their home is the most important consideration, and it is our responsibility to provide this security for them. The proposed dwellings have been designed to respect and reflect the Site’s surroundings in terms of their:

  • layout;

  • scale

  • architectural style;

  • detailing; and

  • materials

An example indicative street scene from the proposed development can be seen below.

For our customers, their home is the most important consideration, and it is our responsibility to provide this security for them. The proposed dwellings have been designed to respect and reflect the Site’s surroundings in terms of their:

  • layout;

  • scale

  • architectural style;

  • detailing; and

  • materials

An example indicative street scene from the proposed development can be seen below.

Elevation drawings for a selection of the proposed dwellings are shown below.

Elevation drawings for a selection of the proposed dwellings are shown below.

Elevation drawings for a selection of the proposed dwellings are shown below.

The architectural style of the proposed dwellings is traditional.

The proposed materials comprise a mix of:

  • red brick;

  • buff brick;

  • red pantile roof tiles;

  • grey flat roof tiles;

  • white uPVC windows; and

  • white gutters and fascias.

Design features and details include:

  • decorative brickwork and flintwork; and

  • traditional flat or sloping canopies to front doors.

A selection of our materials and finishes are shown in the drawings below.

The architectural style of the proposed dwellings is traditional.

The proposed materials comprise a mix of:

  • red brick;

  • buff brick;

  • red pantile roof tiles;

  • grey flat roof tiles;

  • white uPVC windows; and

  • white gutters and fascias.

Design features and details include:

  • decorative brickwork and flintwork; and

  • traditional flat or sloping canopies to front doors.

A selection of our materials and finishes are shown in the drawings below.

The architectural style of the proposed dwellings is traditional.

The proposed materials comprise a mix of:

  • red brick;

  • buff brick;

  • red pantile roof tiles;

  • grey flat roof tiles;

  • white uPVC windows; and

  • white gutters and fascias.

Design features and details include:

  • decorative brickwork and flintwork; and

  • traditional flat or sloping canopies to front doors.

A selection of our materials and finishes are shown in the drawings below.

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We are focused on delivering good quality homes that people can afford and are proud to live in. Our sustainability strategy aligns with our vision and corporate strategy to lead in building thriving communities. For us this is about meeting people’s needs now and in the future, whilst playing our part in the global responses to climate change.     

We aim to minimise the environmental impact of the homes we build, and the construction process undertaken.

Notable features that enhance the energy efficiency and sustainability of the dwellings include:

  • floor and wall insulation exceeding Building Regulations requirements;

  • best-practice ventilation methods and layout and design approaches that reduce the risk of overheating;

  • all-electric air source heat pumps for water and space heating;

  • Individual testing to ensure air tightness;

  • waste water heat recovery to capture and reuse of heat from bath and shower water;

  • electric vehicle charging points (at least one per dwelling).


We are focused on delivering good quality homes that people can afford and are proud to live in. Our sustainability strategy aligns with our vision and corporate strategy to lead in building thriving communities. For us this is about meeting people’s needs now and in the future, whilst playing our part in the global responses to climate change.     

We aim to minimise the environmental impact of the homes we build, and the construction process undertaken.

Notable features that enhance the energy efficiency and sustainability of the dwellings include:

  • floor and wall insulation exceeding Building Regulations requirements;

  • best-practice ventilation methods and layout and design approaches that reduce the risk of overheating;

  • all-electric air source heat pumps for water and space heating;

  • Individual testing to ensure air tightness;

  • waste water heat recovery to capture and reuse of heat from bath and shower water;

  • electric vehicle charging points (at least one per dwelling).


We are focused on delivering good quality homes that people can afford and are proud to live in. Our sustainability strategy aligns with our vision and corporate strategy to lead in building thriving communities. For us this is about meeting people’s needs now and in the future, whilst playing our part in the global responses to climate change.     

We aim to minimise the environmental impact of the homes we build, and the construction process undertaken.

Notable features that enhance the energy efficiency and sustainability of the dwellings include:

  • floor and wall insulation exceeding Building Regulations requirements;

  • best-practice ventilation methods and layout and design approaches that reduce the risk of overheating;

  • all-electric air source heat pumps for water and space heating;

  • Individual testing to ensure air tightness;

  • waste water heat recovery to capture and reuse of heat from bath and shower water;

  • electric vehicle charging points (at least one per dwelling).


The proposed development has been designed to retain as much of the Site’s perimeter existing vegetation.

These existing trees and hedges will be fully protected during the construction of the development.

An integral part of the development proposals is a comprehensive landscaping scheme which involves the augmentation of the Site’s existing hedgerows. New native species hedgerows and trees around and throughout the development, and ornamental planting to the frontages of the proposed homes.


The proposed development has been designed to retain as much of the Site’s perimeter existing vegetation.

These existing trees and hedges will be fully protected during the construction of the development.

An integral part of the development proposals is a comprehensive landscaping scheme which involves the augmentation of the Site’s existing hedgerows. New native species hedgerows and trees around and throughout the development, and ornamental planting to the frontages of the proposed homes.


The proposed development has been designed to retain as much of the Site’s perimeter existing vegetation.

These existing trees and hedges will be fully protected during the construction of the development.

An integral part of the development proposals is a comprehensive landscaping scheme which involves the augmentation of the Site’s existing hedgerows. New native species hedgerows and trees around and throughout the development, and ornamental planting to the frontages of the proposed homes.


We have a target to look to deliver a biodiversity net gain of 10% or greater on all new developments moving forward. This is aligned with a 30by30 strategy formed from our partnership with The Wildlife Trust. This means that 30% of outdoor green spaces will managed in a way that supports natures recovery.

“Homes for nature” is an initiative developed by the Future Homes Hub’s On-Site Nature Measures Working Group.

We are committed to “Homes for Nature” to ensure appropriate provision for ecology within our developments. This involves the following commitments that will be reflected in the proposed development:

  • The installation of integral bird nesting bricks to each property;

  • Creating a ‘hedgehog highway’ through the development to allow safe movement of hedgehogs; and

  • Planting pollinators or wild flowers to support bees and insects.


We have a target to look to deliver a biodiversity net gain of 10% or greater on all new developments moving forward. This is aligned with a 30by30 strategy formed from our partnership with The Wildlife Trust. This means that 30% of outdoor green spaces will managed in a way that supports natures recovery.

“Homes for nature” is an initiative developed by the Future Homes Hub’s On-Site Nature Measures Working Group.

We are committed to “Homes for Nature” to ensure appropriate provision for ecology within our developments. This involves the following commitments that will be reflected in the proposed development:

  • The installation of integral bird nesting bricks to each property;

  • Creating a ‘hedgehog highway’ through the development to allow safe movement of hedgehogs; and

  • Planting pollinators or wild flowers to support bees and insects.


We have a target to look to deliver a biodiversity net gain of 10% or greater on all new developments moving forward. This is aligned with a 30by30 strategy formed from our partnership with The Wildlife Trust. This means that 30% of outdoor green spaces will managed in a way that supports natures recovery.

“Homes for nature” is an initiative developed by the Future Homes Hub’s On-Site Nature Measures Working Group.

We are committed to “Homes for Nature” to ensure appropriate provision for ecology within our developments. This involves the following commitments that will be reflected in the proposed development:

  • The installation of integral bird nesting bricks to each property;

  • Creating a ‘hedgehog highway’ through the development to allow safe movement of hedgehogs; and

  • Planting pollinators or wild flowers to support bees and insects.


The surface water flows from the proposed development will drain to the existing roadside ditch at a rate not exceeding the run off rate of the Site in its existing (greenfield) form, which the drainage authority has specified as 5.0 litres per second. Two large attenuation basins will provide the necessary storage capacity for surface water flows in extreme weather events to ensure that this greenfield run off rate is maintained.

Allowances have been made in the drainage calculations for the worsening of extreme weather events with climate change.

The attenuation basins will be designed with gradual side slopes and will only retain surface water in extreme weather events. They will be dry the majority of the time and will provide green space and informal play space for residents.


The surface water flows from the proposed development will drain to the existing roadside ditch at a rate not exceeding the run off rate of the Site in its existing (greenfield) form, which the drainage authority has specified as 5.0 litres per second. Two large attenuation basins will provide the necessary storage capacity for surface water flows in extreme weather events to ensure that this greenfield run off rate is maintained.

Allowances have been made in the drainage calculations for the worsening of extreme weather events with climate change.

The attenuation basins will be designed with gradual side slopes and will only retain surface water in extreme weather events. They will be dry the majority of the time and will provide green space and informal play space for residents.


The surface water flows from the proposed development will drain to the existing roadside ditch at a rate not exceeding the run off rate of the Site in its existing (greenfield) form, which the drainage authority has specified as 5.0 litres per second. Two large attenuation basins will provide the necessary storage capacity for surface water flows in extreme weather events to ensure that this greenfield run off rate is maintained.

Allowances have been made in the drainage calculations for the worsening of extreme weather events with climate change.

The attenuation basins will be designed with gradual side slopes and will only retain surface water in extreme weather events. They will be dry the majority of the time and will provide green space and informal play space for residents.


Site Frontage

A new footway along the Yarmouth Road frontage of the Site is proposed. The northern part of this footway is set back within the Site. This will meet up with the footpath at the junction of Yarmouth Road and Kings Way.

Every effort has made to retain as much of the Site’s frontage hedgerow as possible.

Junction/Access in to Site

The site entrance will be opposite the drive/entrance to Meadow View.

Offsite Highway & Pedestrian Improvement Works

There are improvements proposed to the junction of Ormesby Road/The Street and Yarmouth Road/Waters Lane.

The works along Yarmouth Road comprise partial widening and incidental improvement of the eastern footway for pedestrians traveling to and from the village centre from the Site.


Site Frontage

A new footway along the Yarmouth Road frontage of the Site is proposed. The northern part of this footway is set back within the Site. This will meet up with the footpath at the junction of Yarmouth Road and Kings Way.

Every effort has made to retain as much of the Site’s frontage hedgerow as possible.

Junction/Access in to Site

The site entrance will be opposite the drive/entrance to Meadow View.

Offsite Highway & Pedestrian Improvement Works

There are improvements proposed to the junction of Ormesby Road/The Street and Yarmouth Road/Waters Lane.

The works along Yarmouth Road comprise partial widening and incidental improvement of the eastern footway for pedestrians traveling to and from the village centre from the Site.


Site Frontage

A new footway along the Yarmouth Road frontage of the Site is proposed. The northern part of this footway is set back within the Site. This will meet up with the footpath at the junction of Yarmouth Road and Kings Way.

Every effort has made to retain as much of the Site’s frontage hedgerow as possible.

Junction/Access in to Site

The site entrance will be opposite the drive/entrance to Meadow View.

Offsite Highway & Pedestrian Improvement Works

There are improvements proposed to the junction of Ormesby Road/The Street and Yarmouth Road/Waters Lane.

The works along Yarmouth Road comprise partial widening and incidental improvement of the eastern footway for pedestrians traveling to and from the village centre from the Site.