Site History

Outline Planning Permission

The site was granted outline planning permission in June 2018 for “93 residential dwellings, associated public open space and new vehicular and pedestrian access from Yarmouth Road”  

This means the principle of development at the Site has been established.

The application material can be viewed by visiting the Great Yarmouth Borough Council planning public access system and by inputting the reference number 0616/0583/O. A link to the public access system can be found here.

Reserved Matters Application

An application for the approval of the reserved matters details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale was submitted in June 2021 by a previous owner of the Site.

There were several developers involved in the Site until it was purchased by us in November 2024.

We intend to submit amended reserved matters details for the Site once this consultation has concluded.  Where relevant we will look to address any feedback received during this consultation, together with the feedback received as a result of any further pre-application engagement with the local planning authority.

Reserved Matters Application

An application for the approval of the reserved matters details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale was submitted in June 2021 by a previous owner of the Site.

There were several developers involved in the Site until it was purchased by us in November 2024.

We intend to submit amended reserved matters details for the Site once this consultation has concluded.  Where relevant we will look to address any feedback received during this consultation, together with the feedback received as a result of any further pre-application engagement with the local planning authority.